A Second Chance for Jacks the Law

ATHA Fights for a Neglected Horse

After The Home Stretch

At After the Homestretch, we fight every day to give abandoned and neglected horses a second chance. Today, we want to share the story of Jacks the Law, an 18-year-old gelding who arrived at our rescue in a heartbreaking state. Jacks’ story is a stark reminder of the cruelty that some horses endure, but it’s also a testament to the unwavering dedication of our team and the power of innovative therapies.

A Bleak Arrival

Jacks came to us after being abandoned at a boarding facility. For a horrifying nine months, he was left confined to his stall, denied the freedom of movement that is essential for a horse’s physical and mental well-being. The consequences of this neglect were devastating. Jacks developed a condition called founder, a painful inflammation of the hooves caused by disruption of blood flow. He also suffered from coffin bone rotation, where the bones within the hoof shift out of their natural alignment. This combination of issues left Jacks unable to bear weight on his hooves, essentially immobile and in constant pain.

Fighting for Recovery: A Multi-faceted Approach

The road to recovery for Jacks is a long and complex one. His care team, led by Dr. Stacey Sickler and including Amanda Dixon (assistant), Ramon Aguirre (farrier), and Cori Deltoro (therapist), is working tirelessly to address the immediate pain and prevent further damage.

    • Addressing Inflammation: Jacks’ hooves have been packed with Magic Cushion, a specialized material that provides support and reduces inflammation. Cloud boots offer further protection and comfort.
    • Promoting Blood Flow: Cori Deltoro, from Top Line Therapeutics, has employed innovative therapies such as red light therapy and acupressure with KT tape. These techniques aim to stimulate blood flow, which is crucial for healing the hoof and promoting bone health. We were encouraged to see Jack appear to respond positively to these new sensations, a flicker of hope in his journey.
    • Custom Hoofwear: The ultimate goal is to get Jacks wearing specialized glue-on shoes. These shoes are designed to encourage proper blood flow and support the hoof structure. However, due to the significant pain he currently experiences, wearing these shoes is not yet an option.

A Long Road Ahead

We are cautiously optimistic about Jacks’ future. His recovery depends largely on pain management and controlling the further progression of the coffin bone rotation. It will be a long and challenging process, but our team is committed to providing Jacks with the care and treatment he deserves.

The Power of Community

The cost of caring for a horse like Jacks is significant. Specialized farrier work, therapeutic treatments, and pain medication all add up. This is where your support makes a world of difference. Donations from our incredible community allow us to continue providing the critical care that horses like Jacks need to heal and thrive.

How You Can Help

There are several ways you can support After the Homestretch and help horses like Jacks:

    • Make a Donation: Every dollar goes directly towards caring for the horses in our rescue program. You can donate online or through mail.
    • Become a Sponsor: Sponsor a specific horse like Jacks and follow their journey to recovery.
    • Volunteer Your Time: We have various volunteer opportunities available, from administrative tasks to helping with horse care.
    • Spread Awareness: Share Jacks’ story and After the Homestretch’s mission with your friends and family.

Jacks’ story is just one example of the many horses who come through our doors. With your help, we can continue to offer these animals a safe haven, expert care, and a second chance at a happy and healthy life.

Together, we can make a difference.

Make a Difference Today!


Your contribution can change the future for a former racehorse.

Join us in our mission to provide safe, loving homes for these noble animals.

Every dollar  is used for the horses’ needs.